Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh ya, here's the picture!

My pda/blogging system is not very forgiving, I pay publicly for typos and forgetos

Homeless shelter

This old millhouse has been restored. The ancestors of some of my good friends ground wheat into flour here. Those were lean times. At that time it was spelled "lien"...anybody's ears burning?
I thought it looked like a nice quiet place to move into for a few days, but as usual we had promises to keep and miles to go before we sleep.

The big deal about hot cereal

The best thing is that I didn't have to be the one who got up to make it. Here's how they do it down south...and it was delicious!

Photoshop tricks

A good way to make landscape pictures is to paste a canoe into the scenery, or just go to Norway and take your pictures when you get there...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Night time swimming

Here we are after our 10:30 pm swim last night! It was really refreshing after all day on the road. These pictures are proof that Norway is beautiful, in case you didn't already know that!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Privacy in a beehive

The note says, "if I'm asleep don't wake me til 09:30". This friend of mine will remain anonymous.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Beehive post

The key is in the clover.

Behaving in a beehive

The red barn pictured here is where we spend most of our time here on the apple orchard. The two far windows are our quarters, ya... For 17 of us s.w. types. I paced around the outside this morning, and it's about 8x9 meters, but to be fair I should document the space in it's cubic dimensions, cuz we use all 3 dimensions of this itty bitty area.
You see the picture of door? It's labeled, the label means, "beehive". Very apt...
In fact I went by an actual beehive this morning, and I could relate to them all as they were standing in line for their morning coffee, or were they going to brush their teeth? One thing about these particular beehives...I haven't been stung yet!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trained young appletrees

This could be of interest to you frog farmers, from the extreme to the anonymous...These trees are a new addition to this farm since I was here last 10 years ago. The time before that was 29 years ago, hard to believe.

Blogging Porridge

Then there is a school of thought that says porridge should be cooked at the last minute as to avoid scorching.

Blankets debunked

Since it can be either hot or cold here in Stakroge they have a heavy duvet and a light blanket for everyone. Some years they ALL get used. Also no airing of blankets here...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Svensk Skog

These pictures I took this morning on the way to a meditation spot. They loaded in the oposite order I'd like you to see them, but nevermind. Today was a good day, and I'm glad it's over...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Cooked in a double boiler doesn't stick nor scorch.

A nice Norwegian Slug

My friend Helga took this picture before we found the kikkers.

On the ferry

Crossing the fjord on the way to Sweden, we didn't get a chance to try the escape chute, but the illustrations make it look interesting.

Taking the tent down

It didn't take long to come down, I got to help clean the walls before we rolled them up to store away.

Friday, July 11, 2008


I've never seen a purple cow, but here are some beautiful white ones...