Saturday, June 13, 2009

organized my purse

I like my purse a lot, but is a nightmare finding my stuff. I looked online for some kind of dividers organizer and I found this idea. I decided to try:
The purse is here, and the green 3 ring binder I used.

This fishing vest served me well in the rubber inflatable kayak on Hume Lake a few days ago.

I sewed one pocket onto the outside

and these 5 pockets are sewed onto the inside of the green three ring binder. I could take the rings out, and I might, but I might leave them in there too, they could be useful.

Here is the organiser unit tucked into my purse.

This is all that's left of the vest now.
My mom said I could label the pockets for what goes where, is a good idea, because my brain rebels against order.


sbs said...

Totally awesome idea! I'd feel like I was committing murder, cutting up my fishing vest's one of my best buds!

alleykat said...

by the way I got the fishing vest at Walmart for $19.00

Gary Myers said...

good times ahead for you. I hope you stay well organized. sure appreciated your advice on what brings peace.

Ethel said...

what brings peace?....and i'm surprised at what you did with the vest...certainly you could have just always worn it instead? sort of like the Eskimos always wearing their winter wools all the time? not saying that what you did isn't highly interesting and creative!

alleykat said...

well being resigned to a difficult situation can give a certain peace.

Freida Flamingo said...

Hey, it's not June 16 yet! So how far away are you, now, from the Pacific Time Zone? BTW, love your innovation :)