Saturday, July 25, 2009

our apartment leaks

From the relative safety of my good friends' apartment in Lutsk I will try to post to my blog. I've been dashing around, weaving in and out of consciousness, bobbing up and down in the water and so on since my return here, so there has been no time for narrative reminiscing.
Opposition always seems to inspire me, and this evening I am inspired.

This kitchen would inspire you wouldn't it?
It's the new bache where we'll be this fall. I've been moving in for the past couple of days. Of course there are a few things a person needs when one starts up housekeeping. One thing I decided I needed today was a vacuum cleaner. The story of how I got the vacuum is a separate blog post for later maybe. So then after the whole deal of getting the vacuum cleaner, (a really good one that can do water and even clean carpets), (but do I really NEED one that good?) was the conflict I was struggling with.
This is a vacuum cleaner with an instruction manual containing directions on how to remove "dirtiness". You can put water in it and then you don't have to use the paper vacuum bag to collect the dirtiness. I was thinking I'm going to have to vacuum every day now for a while so I can get the hang of this thing.
After doing a great job of vacuuming the hall I went to do the kitchen floor. It has (had) reddish colored old style linoleoum, from hammer and sickle days. The interesting thing about linoleum in these parts is that it is just is laid on to the floor, forget about glue, moulding, or cutting it to fit. There is/was an about 12 inch overlap in the middle of the floor, so as I'm happily vacuuming my trouble away, I decided it would be good to fold back a bit of the overlap and do a good job of vacuuming. That's when my troubles began.
I neglected to mention that when I left to go shopping this morning I was stopped by the neighbor lady who shouted at me from her doorway. "you flooded my apartment last night!!!" I tried to be all polite and inocuously friendly, so she invited me in so I could look at the result of my crimes; sure enough, her ceiling and wall had water marks. Oh well, the landlord had told me that the previous residents had been careless with the water and flooded her out before I appeared on the scene, so I forgot about her. So now as I'm vacuming I discover that the concrete floor is soaked, the linoleum is black with mold, green and slimy.
To make a long story short, I got my exacto knife and my camera.
The pile of garbage is what was under the sink from the previous residents...

So I moved all the kitchen furniture, and look at all the goodies!

dead empty match boxes and other stuff behind the stove...
The moral of the story is I'm glad I got the vacuum cleaner I got, because I'll use it when I clean the mold off the concrete with bleach, after the concrete dries in a few months, I'll put down new linoleum.


Duane Hettich said...

By the way, what ever happened to the Droho. bach, where we got that place in order.

alleykat said...

the water pipes burst there, not our fault, except for the default of living there when it happened.

alleykat said...

thanks 4 all your hard work there, too bad your back's out now... :)

Duane Hettich said...

I'll be ok, I just hope your new place in Rovno won't be too hard to get cleaned up and that you won't have problems with the neighbors.

Anita said...

I think what he's saying is this: I'd like to come help you fix this one up.

Yup, that's how I read it.

What I was going to say is this: Sort of makes you all nostalgic for that place in Droho, eh?

Kenny said...

interesting commentary

Duane Hettich said...

No, really I was hoping it was an apt. that was pretty much in order w/out our help ~~~ I'd have to admit it did cross my mind our field isn't that far away and likely we'd get called to help w/ something sometime getting that place in order. Maybe we'll even get help in our mtgs. every once in awhile over our way.

Tama said...

They put lino down like that in Belarus too. They don't worry about cutting it to size either. It makes me feel like I could do it almost as well.

Mimi/Susan said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck! I'm sure that I should never complain about anything(also sure that I will!). Glad to see you're back "in print".

Ethel said...

see? i check up on ya and hope you don't get too sickly from all that mold!

alleykat said...

hi Susan and Ethel! I miss you guys, I'll try to make it to a tea party when my life gets to be more of a routine sometime again...

Anita said...

tb- after having 2 supposed experts lay lino in 1 bach, Simona and I knew we could have, in fact, done it better. In fact, I will do it myself if I'm ever involved again...

should we talk about wallpapering?

or about hijacking T's blog comments?

alleykat said...

was that in Chernivtsy?

Anita said...

yes, Chernivtsy. We got a piece big enough to do the whole floor- just trim to fit, you know...and they laid it 90 degrees to what we wanted, cut it down the middle and had an overlap in the middle of the floor. I'm sure they were retarded...and had flunked train school. We couldn't believe anyone could be so dumb as to get that wrong... but they were...

Anonymous said...

i liked the Droho had been nicely arranged!!