Well anyway, now Simona's back and she's using her computer. She lets me use it too, but not all the time! It's hers you see, so she has certain rights I guess. So (see) now I'm thinking about how to hook up a blue tooth monitor and keyboard for me to use so we can BOTH be on the one computer at the same time. Not that I NEED to, it would just be so cool to push the limits.
But that's the way it is with computers; if it's there it seems like it's occupied. I couldn't tell you how much time I used to spend here at internet cafes just waiting for one to free up. I'm glad those days are over. Sitting in a stuffy room full of teenaged boys in smelly sock who were blasting the universe apart - complete with all the sound effects of destruction. But that's not what Simona's doing. She uses it as the multipurpose tool that it is. A multipurpose purpose tool that only one person can use at a time. That doesn't seem right to me, (so) I'm thinking what to do?
In a few months from now I'll be traveling a lot more and I won't want to be saddled with a computer bag all the time. Well, a solution could be my pocket pc. It's small and handy; not always straightforward to connect to the web though. Each provider has different access points, and by the time you've learned what it is you're "so" frustrated that writers block sets in. But could this work: could I reformat my pocket pc and change it into a Linux system? If I did that could it read my thumbdrive? I'd love to try it! Then I could compose on the road; when I check in to my home for the night I could plug the thumbdrive into my host's computer and that would be it. I wonder if it would work?
so where's the dilbert comic?
another drawback of sharing the computer, couldn't do that operation on the handheld. Partly because the Dilbert site is run by Catbert, and thus an evil place.
what a riot, you go...hope you get it figured out! i am just getting into all this now too...
thanks for letting me visit and hope we get to visit in person some day!:)
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