Friday, April 3, 2009


Freedom to jump in the car and take off across country!
Freedom to take your Max Headroom strapped to the roof of your car if you want.
America's a great place to be on a home visit!

This is Blake and Max and me as we start out on our epic journey to the north...How far will Max make it on our journey?
And here is sneaky old Louie, trying to get a free ride to the state of Jefferson...

The sculpture is one Blake did for art class, is a self portrait of a budding architect, or a man with a house on his mind.
We made it to Oroville this evening, saw Laura here, a nice surprise, sorry we didn't get pictures or her with Max!


Anita said...

I lol'd

what a kid... do I ever get to meet these people?

So did Max make it?

Anonymous said...

Cool sculpture. Hope it lived! I'll have to show it to my artist/architect son. I think he'd like it.

Laura B said...

When they drove in the driveway to Irv and Aleta's place, we were like, "uh, what IS that on top of the car?" Irv thought it was a camera like they have...for Google? To take pictures of traffic? Not a chance...this was MAX! :)