Here is the step by step progression, at first I sewed them inside out, but it made them really bulky in the boots, then after I sewed the braid on I decided they are far too cool to wear as boot liners so I'm going to find some leather to make soles out of and use them as slippers. Anya saw them tonight and liked them, so I think I might make some more for her and her family. I can get old wool sweaters at the second hand place in the bazaar, also a pair of old boots to cut apart for soles, also tire tread soles would be interesting, but maybe heavy to pack around on the weekends...wonder if I could make tire tread sandals for summer?
well,now that I'm going wear them as slippers Anita says I should redo the front seam and turn it in, I think she's right, also I'll sew more of the braid up the back and cover the raw edges there.
It's fun making them like I said I'll make some more and give them away to some deserving soles.

I feel like Geppetto when I'm working on these, and it makes me wonder, why DID he make Pinocchio??
I was there I helped Count me in
I'm on my way to buy some old cheap wool something or other and some old used leather boots for my very own Custom-made-by-Trude slippers... before she gets out of the notion. Hope it's not too late...
Oy! Nice boots!
I'll make you a prototype pair and spindustry can branch out into footwear!
actually you could start a business and employ the handicapped. I'll help manage the assembly line.
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