I made it to California! I'm at my brother's, my laptop is in safe hands at the customercare hospital run by my old friends Ed and Andrew. All is well in the world.
To top it all off I learned how to play
Kubb. Legend has it that it's a type of chess game dating back to the Viking age, but we don't know. My brother's good friend Gary is the one who introduced the game to the family here.
Here is the playing field:

Your men are lined up at one end of the field and the opponents' men at the opposite end, the king placed in the middle. The object of the game is to throw your stick at the opponents' men without hitting the king. It's a lot harder than it looks.

We were cheered on and encouraged by our spectators, cousin Brady and his friend Corle:

My teammate Blake and I were way too serious about the game, and so our noble opponents let us take the field. Here is nephew Taylor's friend Julia surrendering the king:

We are the shamelessly jubilant viking victors...