Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breath free...I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
This 25 year old picture will never be outdated!
Who can guess who this character is? she's very famous and well known in many countries...
Is that Sally? It's certainly in character for her but the face is not clear enough (for someone like me who's only known her about 7 years) to say for sure...
Kind of looks like Corle may or how ever you spell that.
Miss Liberty
And aren't you feeling all patriotic and appreciating your liberty!!
I recognized it right off, "The Grand Lady of Chico."
right, Anita and Conrad are the winners!
I have slightly more current pictures on my blog right now of this lady and her fine husband.........
Sorry! I have only had dial up for the past week!!! Anyway, yes, I know that Adele and Laurie are sisters :-)...I remember meeting S & L one time when I was very little and vaguely remember being a little intimidated by your tall brother! ;-)Oh and Laura B is a very gd friend of mine!
hahaahahah....only her! only her!! Great picture. :)
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