Monday, September 21, 2009

dealing with apples

There are apples everywhere this time of year, and everybody likes to give us a bag of apples to carry home!  In this case I was more interested in the basket than the apples!
So when you have apples you can't just let them sit around and get old, but I'm hard pressed to eat even one a day sometimes...I just don't have that much time to sit around and chew, so what to do?  We did press 8 liters of apple juice here: 
From Apples!! by Trude

From Apples!! by Trude
Well, there's always applesauce, and pie... who has time to make apple pies all week long???

From Apples!! by Trude
So this is what we did with all our apples

From Apples!! by Trude

From Apples!! by Trude
We want to dry them and make apple chips or apple flakes?  This is just half that we have sliced, should take a few days to dry them on a low flame, then if we're lucky someone will give us some more, because this is fun! :)


Ethel said...

i just recieved a bunch of apples..making apple pie today!! thanks for the inspiration!

Laura B said...

Today I ate a Very Tangy Apple, in fact, it was downright tart! Made me make funny faces! It was off of someone's tree...they swore it was ripe...I think I've been had. ! But autumn is great because then we can eat apples. ;-)

alleykat said...

We also have pears.

Anita said...

and if we're lucky you'll give us some, eh? ;)