Monday, September 28, 2009

alternative medicine

While the health care debate rages at home I am pursuing health and well-being over here in Ukraine.  All I want is to be pain free without taking lots of ibuprofin.
The search took me first to a massage therapist who recommends a hot sauna.  It's effective and the cold pool is especially stimulating.  Then I moved on to a neurologist who practicies accupuncture.  He uses long sharp needles to make my muscles relax.  Some people fall asleep during the 20 minutes they have pins poking out of them.  My muscles may have relaxed, but it didn't really make me feel cosy enough to take a nap.
This neurologist works in a rather nice facility; it's called the Chernobyl hospital.  It has some nice up to date machinery.  After a few treatments of acupuncture he did an x-ray.  The printer wasn't working, but I saw the x-ray on the computer screen, and I was properly impressed with the quality of the picture.  His recommendation after the x-ray was leech therapy.  I don't have any pictures of my own to post here, I may borrow some online if I need graphic aides.
"Why leeches?"  I asked.  Well, leeches bite a hole in your skin, (my back) and suck blood.  They are also called blood suckers, or they are called horse leeches.  The saliva from a leech works as a painkiller, it also has therapeutic anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties.  (Because of this, the wounds continue to bleed all day!)
After the leech takes in 10 to 15 ml of blood it gets full and stops working.  He used about 5 on me.  When they are done working they are simply disposed of.  But, he told me, leeches have become quite expensive compared to what they were before, so some people opt to take them home and keep them in a jar of water where they remain alive (water has to be changed every 3 days), in a few months the leeches can be used again.
Well, they still only cost 9 hriven a piece, so I don't think I'll start keeping leaches around as pets.


Anita said...

Jill wants some for her throat... it's been hurting like fury for days.

Seriously... I mean, SERIOUSLY... are you SERIOUS?! And here you were my first Ukr'n role model... sighhhhhhh... another balloon furiously and horribly burst with no regard whatsoever to my feelings. I need a banana split...

alleykat said...

well, we're talking serious pain here, I mean, my leg hurts Hank.

Mimi/Susan said...

I can't think of a better facility to be "x-rayed" at than Chernnobyl Hospital! I do hope you get better. I assume that you have some serious low back pain radiating to your leg. This will bring you to your knees-physically speaking-in a hurry.

alleykat said...

well all the attention is helping already!

Ethel said...

you've got my attention. the kids were just talking about this mode of ancient health care called blood letting the other you feel anemic now? did it work? there is this exercise you can do for lower back brother uses it..i could find out the uses a small ball..smaller than a bowling ball.

Laura B said...

TRUUUUUUUDE! NOOOOOO! This is the WORST thing yet. This is SO over the top it is completely crazy. YOU ARE NUTS. This is so, so bad.

WHAT in the WORLD? What is wrong with your leg?

I'm still grossed out. Totally. I think I'll have nightmares. *barf*

alleykat said...

L., you need to open your mind and let some fresh air in...and you call yourself a hippie...? lol :)

Laura B said...

RAR! There is only so far that I go. Leeches is too far. Making my own granola bars, yes. :) Riding bicycles, yes.

Anita said...

Laura-the-Western: We're with ya on this one!

I know some good iron pills, T, if you need to boost your hemoglobin/iron levels after all that blood-letting...

alleykat said...

Well, I'll admit it wasn't one of my better days, but pain is cruel; sometimes you'll try anything that might help. Yes, it is better now, but it's still just painkiller and anti-inflammatory, not a long term solution.
Leeches, however are cutting edge again. will I do it again? I'd rather not.

Anonymous said...

people keep the leeches' at home??! oh wow...well I guess if they don't have any other option...:-O