Monday, February 15, 2010



There didn't used to be much graffiti here, and when I saw it showing up it felt like freedom of speech. People complain about graffiti, but I actually like some of it, because I like the way it brightens up the cold gray concrete.
I did a second post with a few more pictures.
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Anita said...

ah yes- Western Culture at its best. There used to be a masterpiece of graffiti down here in Izmail; nasty? Yes. But so clever and well-drawn it was hilarious. They finally got around to whitewashing over it. Which is sort of too bad as it was the best landmark as far as knowing to 'turn here'... I got hopelessly lost getting out to Kisl on my own once because I couldn't find that corner...

Colter Bergh said...

I agree, it's definitely more interesting than looking at a gray wall! Thanks for posting these, they're awesome!

alleykat said...

I'll try to post some more as I get the chance.

alleykat said...

yes, Anita, I remember that, but I forgot the punchline.