we saw some sparrows moving into the storks' basement here. Sparrows and storks make good neighbors. They clean up the garbage that the storks throw out, kind of like the situation with us our neighbors when garbage gets thrown out the window. (note use of passive tense here, it is unclear who the subject is.)

Another sign of spring is a kitty looking for a hidey-hole for when the kittens come.

Svitlana was telling us that she had the fire all ready to go here and the wood had taken hold and started to burn and she heard a faint miaowing but the cat was no where to seen. Finally she had to pull the burning sticks out of the stove and then out jumped kitty. I wonder if the babies will suffer from 'smoking mommy syndrome'? But some cats never learn.

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The hot dog's distant cousin
hahaha, you're funny Anita!!!
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