Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Home Alone

Just waved Angela off. Now nothing to eat but old dried up tea bags...

Soon there won't be any clean cups and I'll have to wash dishes, or investigate the possibility of paper plates.


Anita said...

I'm not sure if I should offer to do them after I get there or if I should hiss and spit and snarl and leave threats about what might happen if they're not done by the time I get there... hmmmm
What's for supper?
(Assuming, of course, that I manage to get packed and out of here...) groannnnnnnnnnnnnn
On the other hand- how great that this move is NOT an overnight train ride away... 3+ hours by bus- not bad! :)

Anonymous said...

is Ange in a new field? :)

ps: go for paper plates...they're great!! heehee

Anonymous said...

I lost some blogs...could you send me anita's on my gmail. I definitely
would use paper plates....I am your guest from Prineville...on our way to Burns OR...then back to CA in Jan
great shoes....thinking of you

alleykat said...

Yes, Kristina, Ange has gone to work in a different place.
Prineville, sorry I can't place you, if you comment from you gmail ID maybe I can figure it out? :)

Ange said...

obviously gone!!! but not forgotten... oh that sink!!!! Wait til you see the transformation in my new "digs"!!! Had to make my mark as soon as I got here.. or blow up!!!
better to put the energy to some other use I thought...

Ange said...

oh by the way! I didn't take ALL the food... there must have been more than dried teas bags left!! ha