At the Odessa train station! Not at McDonalds either. Is a well kept secret that if you have a ticket you can use the toilet at the far end of platform 1 for free, saves you a few griven. But- there's no toilet paper. You should be carrying your own TP around with you anyway.

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Wow, and no little Baba to guard them!?
Leanne ;)
This is the kind of VITAL INFO that needs to be in tourist books!
yeah, they're sneaky. I told them so last night at the station in K. And then I decided it's more sanitary, anyway, to provide your own...
Yes, there is a Baba there, a nice lady, I probably could have asked her for TP, but since it was all free, I kind of figured I wouldn't ask...
There is a free one at the Kyiv station as well, I was surprised when I saw it (to the left from the main (not Pivdenny) entrance) :) BTW, I was surprised in England most public toilets are not free either...
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