Thursday, December 11, 2008

I miss my virtual life

When I was prekindergarten I had an imaginary friend named John. He was fairly "real" and we did stuff together and had a few conversations. I knew he wasn't really "there" because I'd get self conscious if anybody asked about him.
So then I grew up and a friend led me down bloggers' boulevard. It's kind of all imaginary too, but it's kind of like finding my friend John again at a yellow light on bloggers' boulevard. I almost have time to make out the features of his face and I'm trying to listen to what he's telling me, but the traffic is still moving.
I'm in the middle of real life now, it's across the fjord from google earth Brilliant thoughts make epileptic tidal waves through my brain, but I'm intent on making it through these rounds without landing with a cold or the flu, so they just roil in the gray matter without making a splash on the web. (otherwise I could stay up all night writing.) Maybe after Christmas I'll have it figured out and ready to post.


Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't have a friend like that, as a child, but very aware that I couldn't fight like the other boys, so I struggled to be a pilgrim among them...just passing through. Didn't know exactly where I was headed, but my heavenly Father was in it...

Anonymous said...

lurkingplace blog readers drown in epilectic tidal wave of brilliance! Friend John among the missing and presumed dead! Emergency bailout being considered in Congress. One of the Big Three says senator from Minnesota. "But I didn't know they spelled it Fjord."

alleykat said...

well, I have pretty cool anonymous frinds, so who needs John??

Ethel said...

wow. i'm going to have to read that again. good thing you're not visiting here otherwise you would be innundated with the flu/cold bug..i hope you come out of it all healthy in spirit and body, too! see..i check on ya! would be fun to actually meet you though.

alleykat said...

why couldn't you fight? afraid of them or fear of God?

Anita said...

I meant to come here a long time ago and tell you I got a good chuckle from reading this- in fact, this one was brilliant! Happy trails down Blogger's Boulevard...

Ethel is that you??? You get them... ummmm (guess what I'm doing?)

Ethel said...

yeah it's me.....alleykat..where have you been? i need your brain cells. i need to know what you're thinking. you must be busy. so..carry on.....hi anita....