Saturday, April 4, 2009

Backberry ranch on the Klamath River

These kids lost a little sister not so many months ago. We had a sweet time with them, talking and singing hymns, found a baby goat (the kid), and a lamb was born this morning. Dad's packing our picnic now. Too bad mom had to take baby in to "the city" to check if it really is chicken pox or she'd picnic with us too. We hope to see them tomorrow morning with all the rest of the field. If it's chicken pox though, this is good bye til we meet up at Mountain Ranch.

Here is the kid hiding.

This old billy goat made me think about the Hunchback of Notre Dame, his head is deformed, and his eyes were a bit wild, but he was very polite. The kids say he stinks though!

1 comment:

Anita said...

sort of remind you of those kids on the way to Nov Buh? ;)