This is my dad working on my non expandable Zero Haliburton. The top half was filled by my Brother EP 44 typewriter. The bottom half was for books and toiletries and other important stuff. I'm the other person in the picture, contemplating a homeless future, can't believe it's almost 25 years ago...

This was our dear uncle Dick, we miss him. Also a neighbor kid...anyone from Indiana read this blog? The kid lives there now with his wife and kids...recognize him???

I have a suitcase like this still. My dad helped me to make a safe out of it. He drilled 4 holes in it and gave me bolts and now I can bolt it to the floor under my bed in our apartment. When I lock the case it's a foolproof safe.
I must say you still look like yourself 25 years later!
I can't believe you drilled holes in a $500 zero halliburton and took up a $200 softside? Who's the poor soul who had to act happy when you gave them this aluminum colander? As for the foolproof safe, why doesn't the thief just drive out the tiny rod in the hinge? That's a clue, there. This whole case hinges on a rod. We all know that if you spare the rod... and so forth and so on. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but definitely into the anonymous bin. With that bold move, this case is closed. You have a great blog. Opening your page is like admiring the neighbor's junky back yard when we were kids! So many treasures, so little time.
ok, to find the treasures you gotta read carefully and sift through the junk...in the previous post you will enjoy reading that I gave my first Halliburton away unscathed. The current case is fool proof and safe. The tiny rod comes into an awkward angle as it's carefully bolted to the floor close to the wall. Who pays $500 for a Halliburton? Not me, I have connections, and they all hinge on this case.
good thing you said that was Far...I sure didn't recognize him. And if you're referring to Brian as the little blondie- they don't live in IN anymore... at least I don't think so...
you and your hinged cases...all of them. I have your important papers and I believe I got them out of that case...or was it a different one? Anyway, I've gotten into that case, so it's NOT foolproof...no matter what you say...
Happy 25th anniversary. Isn't it awesome to look back over the 25 years and see the way things work out? Thank you, anonymous for the chuckle. Yes, blogs are like peaking over the neighbors fence. Maybe that is why they are so much fun.
yes, is Brian, guess I lost track of them.
All of these comments have made me come unhinged.
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