Monday, May 3, 2010

pretty geeky

I am curious about the iPad, but because of Apple's proprietary approach to their electronics, I probably don't really want one.  But that doesn't mean I don't find the iPad very interesting; this 100 year old lady using the iPad as her first computer is pretty cute:


Anonymous said...

very cool limerick at the end!!

Duane Hettich said...

Hi. I know you were wonderin' what I'd comment since its a tech post.

You can get one if you want as far as I'm concerned.

I haven't used apple stuff except for software, as you know I'm a google and microsoft person. I did see an iPad the other day in Kyiv when I got a cup of tea near the Botanical Gardens. It was a high fluting fellow showing it off to two ladies of his.

Anita said...

That was pretty cute.
I find I have little interest in Apple stuff because of their rather tunnel vision attitude- You.Must.Use.Our.Stuff. Nothing.Else.Will.Work. Nothing.Else.Is.As.Good.
Oh please- get over yourself already.

alleykat said...

That's right Anita; and that's why I like open source.