I had been wishing I had an old fashioned SLR because I didn't like the way the mountains got all flattened out with the lens in the digital camera I've been using. Then during the fall I found a real deal at the salvation army shop right down the street. Here is the first roll I took just to see if it worked. I made the collage with Picasa 3 which is a free Google application. I'm giving the camera to my dad after I leave, because there are no mountains like the mountains in the west coast of Norway. And also my life is simple if I don't have too many extra bags.
We are more inland here, so no mountains in these pictures! In fact those who live here boast about the area's agricultural wealth. "
Never been a crop failure yet!" they say.
Great depth perception..I love the red barn.
what kind of berries are those? i hope you don't mind i put you as a link on my main blog? so i can just click and come over here? let me know if you'd rather not have me do that! no prob!
ya, is ok to link, Susan can put her link back up too if she wants.
oh, the "berries" are rose hips I think.
oh but if you link to my site call it "alleykat" so I can remain mysterious.
i'm all about mystery..i'll do that then...thanks
I like your collage, too, ak. Beautiful colors & views. I've never had an SLR but I know people who will never go digital because they love the quality of the old-fashioned + film. Me... I'm all about simple. My world got a lot simpler when my art went digital. :)
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