Thursday, August 21, 2008


My parents took IJ and me out fishing a few days ago! We had a great time. It's a glacial lake, so the water is so cold that the outboard motor couldn't keep warm enough to run, so dad rowed us around for hours while we pulled in the fish; we got 14 trout using a variety of flies; what an experience! My mother fried 'em up when we got home and we ate 'em ALL!
We're actually after bigger fishes, so we're tying special flies today and hope to haul 'em in this evening. We have an announcement in the paper, and my mom noticed that there is a performance at the prayer house at the very time we want to cast. If nobody comes we could go to theirs and I could accompany them on my harmonica.


Anita said...

Happy fishing... I'm glad you got to eat 'em too! was there supposed to be a pic on here, too? I don't get the harmonica part.

alleykat said...

well, ya see I can play the harmonica, and there was a musical performance scheduled at the time of our happening, and SO if nobody came...then I could go and be disruptive at the other place...that's all I meant. My parents and Else came, but that's all, so I didn't do the harmonica thing.
yes, there should be a sideshow there...I can see it on mine, but tell me if I should fix it.

Laura B said...

it works grand! Margaret will be jealous. She loves to fish.