I came across a few interesting mishaps while out jogging this morning. The road I was running on is two lanes, but there's not much of a shoulder for a jogger or a pedestrian; on the outside of the guard rail I came upon the site of a small tragedy...can anyone identify this species?

Also there was this, incidently right across the road from each other:

Well, with all you read in the papers now a days, a person wonders what REALLY happened...
Very interesting. I don't know about the first one (some kind of marmot, perhaps? but a marmot is really a weasel and he doesn't look long enough). The next one looks kind of like a hedgehog in a not rolled-up position. Did people hit them and then toss them to the side or what?
Anyway, we love your posts and glad you included good ol' Tin Tin in the blog accompaniment. Love, Ukraine Jane.
If you liked this post I recommend you read _Flattened Fauna_ by Roger M Knutson. It was recommended to me many years ago by Helen in Happy Camp.
The youngster in the top section looks like a Mink.
The bottom cant be sure but a otter maybey? All though otters are darker I think.
Keep me posted.
Brutha Sven
HINT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_marten
patricia cornwell fears you...
Oh, and I was wondering if you count roadkill dogs?
I have nothing to contribute as to what they were in life- cute and furry, no doubt, but varmint-y and happily left outdoors.
no I don't, but who WAS that who counted dead dogs??? Oh wait I remember!!!hahaha, but speaking of dead dogs, have you read _In Cold Blood_, by Truman Capote?
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