Monday, August 4, 2008

Supper in Voss

This is smalahove. That is a smoked and boiled sheepshead. We have the profile here with a closeup of tongue, ear and eyeball. We ate most of it, was delicious, along with new potatoes and mashed rutabaga. The brain had been previously removed. Ya, but we didn't notice that til just now :/


tammy said...

Hi Trude, After looking at your pics, I don't feel so hungary! :( You do look like you are having a great time though! :) Just was thinking of you and gald to catch up with you through your blog.
Take Care...

Anita said...

Yeah, I'm with Tammy on this one. I'm brave and all...but I'm really glad about the brain...

Laura B said...


alleykat said...

Oh come on you guys, try it, here's a recipe...

alleykat said...

from the cook...
Ja, det er vanleg å leggja eit halvt hovud på kvar tallerken. Eg hadde sans for denne kommentaren frå sammyjankis:

Det er 1 kommentarer fra andre brukere til oppskriften.
Are you serious?!?
Tasty 12.12.2007 Oh My GOD! Are you people insane or just idiots? I like to eat things that do not watch me while I eat them. Have some Ludefisk and move on with your life.


Happy Birthday! said...

The rutabaga and new potatoes sound great.