Friday, June 20, 2008

Gallery of Rouges

I thought I'd posted this last week, wonder if any of you got it then?

Here we have pictures of some of the crew: you'll see I have them labeled so you can identify them.

Sapun is about 6 weeks old now. In the pictures of him with the mouse he's only 5 weeks. He played with it for a while while his mother watched proudly. A few days ago she brought him another one which he started to gnaw at and it looked like he would try to eat it until his moody big sister from a previous relationship came and swiped it! She's good mouser though, look at the mole she caught.

Yesterday morning while we were making breakfast Murka brought a contribution into the kitchen. She thought we'd enjoy some micemeat with our scrambled eggs :/

Zhuk is fierce looking, but he's mellowed out through the years. I feed him scraps to keep on his good side!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I still haven't been able to procure a "Google" name so I'm using Anonymous, but it is I, Sally, better known (by Fred) as Ukraine Jane. :-)
Hey, Trude, I'll write you a "real" e-mail soon (Anita too, though I know you're not together) I haven't had a chance to read your posts because our computer has been "on the blink" (grandmothers love to use that phrase). It's fixed now. When we got home the prompt care people said my arm was broken and for several days I gloried in this as it didn't really hurt very much and they gave me a Velcro splint. Fred thought I was superwoman until Wednesday when my "real" doctor said it wasn't really broken (from my fall) but the X-ray just showed the cracks from when I broke it 14 years ago (I had TOLD them about that). Ah, well, glory is so fleeting. Anyway, keep posting, I love to read about your adventures. It's 1:00 a.m. now so I need to go to bed. My friend that usually helps with the house on Saturdays ("helps with it", ha! She does it!) will be gone for a few weeks so I had to do it all (tomorrow is Sunday) even with my erstwhile broken arm. Hi to Sharon!
I apologize for using your space as an open forum on geriatric health.
Love you. Bye :-)

Anita said...

Well who's surprised that the ole arm was broken??? Oh, it really isn't. Goodness- I'm getting confuseder by the min! I'm happy that it isn't, fleeting glory and all.

See, I proly had some witty comment to leave...but Ukraine Jane got me all distracted... got to thinking about chatting mit her and now this amazing post has simply become a place to visit... a sort of chat room...the rouges' chat room, I guess. zoom zoom. ;)