I thought I'd posted this last week, wonder if any of you got it then?
Here we have pictures of some of the crew: you'll see I have them labeled so you can identify them.
Sapun is about 6 weeks old now. In the pictures of him with the mouse he's only 5 weeks. He played with it for a while while his mother watched proudly. A few days ago she brought him another one which he started to gnaw at and it looked like he would try to eat it until his moody big sister from a previous relationship came and swiped it! She's good mouser though, look at the mole she caught.
Yesterday morning while we were making breakfast Murka brought a contribution into the kitchen. She thought we'd enjoy some micemeat with our scrambled eggs :/
Zhuk is fierce looking, but he's mellowed out through the years. I feed him scraps to keep on his good side!

1 comment:
I'm trying to remember Sapun's name... since I'll be seeing him in a little over 24 hours. He's welcome not to eat anything disgusting in anyplace clean while I'm around... Sap Sap Sap
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