By the time you read this I'll have left this nest. See the nice furniture they gave me from the university dormitory? There was a matching set of three of these quaint chairs, but one of them collapsed under the weight of an innocent bystander, so we hauled it off to the dump yesterday. We had fun making these 2 beds look like couches!
The wardrobe was my office. I had my laptop on a shelf in there and someone drilled holes in the back so we could put cords through and then I got locks for the doors. I had to move my office though, because the shelves kept crashing down...the poor piece of furniture is so dilapidated that the doors won't all stay shut. Somehow there's not room for them all to be shut, so I'm moving out.
I've had three bonfires to condense my stuff, but there are 3 bags under the "couch" that I couldn't get rid of, and I'm taking 3 bags with me, hoping to reduce it to 2 bags by July 8, that's when I fly. In one month from now, wow.
1 comment:
you forgot the oh-so-beautiful desk in my room... it's a wonder you can get an education at all with the sort of furniture these poor kids have to cope with
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