Friday, October 10, 2008

Carbon footprint of the Norwegian Moose

We pulled out of Steinkjer on the way to Kolvereid and stopped to photograph these creatures. I saw them in a clearing of the woods on the right side of the road. They came to edge of the field to look curiously at us, but when I raised the camera to shoot they streaked off. They know it's hunting season.
I learned today that one of the things moose and cows have in common is that they produce lots of methane gas. They are green back to nature type creatures and they are the ones guilty of destroying the environment. In one summer a moose belches out as much methane as a car would produce carbon dioxide on a 13,000 km trip. Is that 8,078 miles? The distance from Los Angeles, California to somewhere in India?
My cousin's wife is into saving the planet, her job is alternate energy sources/waste management and she's the one who first told me about these gas collecting balloons for cows. I can just picture these cows propelled across the sky...
hey diddle diddle
the cat and the fiddle
the cow jumped over the moon...

I could ride a cow all the way to California, hug a redwood tree and sign up for Greenpeace as soon as I arrive.
As we were driving back to our digs last night in the dark I was wondering what it would be like to hit a moose. CRASH...our nice expensive car we've been loaned...possibly a dent in in my coworker also, would we be able to keep the moose meat? The moose hide would look nice on the floor in our ascetic domicile.

I'm glad we didn't hit one, hope we don't get any closer than we got to these today.
This post is an attempt to write something which shows my awareness of the age I'm living in and that I'm in touch with the problems of our times. It's a bit boring though and I like my own world enough, but I'm just trying to be trendy or whatever.
Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.


Anita said...

Oh man, I'm glad you left the moose all alive...

I can just see you ridind a cow to CA. Make sure she's diapered... for sure. No inflight messes. Birdy birdy in the sky...why'd you do it in my eye? I won't pout and I won't cry; I'm just glad that cows don't fly...

Hug a redwood; skip the Greenpeace part though.

So in your state of heightened awareness, Did You Know that Pres Yuschenko dismissed parliament AGAIN and called for new elections AGAIN and that Madam Tymoshenko is partying with the Russians and Yanukovich? just a bit of trivia... on the bright side, apparently with the new WTO law- we can stay here for 180 days on the reg stamp from border patrol.

alleykat said...

Oh Longhorn take me back
to the place I call home
Sierra mountains, East Bay Area
Oh Longhorn take me home
(sorry John Denver)

alleykat said...

Ya I saw that on bbc headlines, I can't believe they can do reelections again...

Anita said...

that's some misguided earworm you got going on there...

alleykat said...

earworm nothin'!
That's a medley, like they play at weddings and stuff.

Laura B said...

You guys are CRAZY!!!! I laughed until my stomach hurt over this post....ooooiiiiiiiii, sttttoppppp! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Come on, my weird friends, spare the air....!!!!! lol

alleykat said...

Hey I'm serious as a g** attack

Anita said...

my nephew's serious-er
He's serious as a HeartATTACK

and he says it in completely cute midwestern twaanggggg