when you arrived to Ukraine
way back in 1999+1.
Our boys met you, and that was fine & fun.
Your cheerful face and friendly ways
Brightened up our “everydays”.

I met new friends with you
Bucky and Satchel to name just two.
Remember Barsik and Julia? Our two strays
who ate anything we threw their way.
Julia was an unfaithful concubine
Her puppies looked like porcupines.

And you taught me to enjoy Ukrainian candy!
Svitoch and Korivka - I found out taste real dandy!
Train a horse?
But of course!
Poor Landish died of fright...
served him right...

awwwwwwwwww- that's pretty muchly sweet. There might even be a little tear in the corner of my eye.
I'd totally forgotten about Julia the dog! she wrecked herself with those porcupine pups of hers... was just never the same. ANNNNDDDDDDDDd- I like the Landish pic! I don't have that one. Me trying to clean out that mangy animal's hooves. He was a mess. His untimely death was proly the best thing that happened to him...
Remember the taxi that brought you, Lisa, me and my 511 bags home from the train station? It was priceless! I thought I'd seen it all...
Oh- and you had the bache all decked out in welcome signs- that was pretty special, too. Pretty good memories! Thanks!!!
oh- except it was 2000... but who's keeping track?
AND- you'll be pleased to know that there's some flooding of neighbors going on that isn't originating in an apt that you've stayed in... upstairs neighbors sorta kinda mucked up the Warsaw bache b'room with their plugged main sewage pipe tonight...
great work, T.from that other mom
GREAT POEM! It is in the style of "Ukraine Jane's" poetry...I just heard another good one yesterday, a masterpiece actually...I'll have her send it to you...!
Ukraine Jane and Trude are good friends. I'm rather fond of them, too... Fond of my mom, too! that's her you know... just having to chatter a bit here...
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