We've been through Hell today, you have to drive through Hell's Tunnel to get there. We avoided actual Hell on our past trips, but today we've been to Hell and back again...The only street sign I could find to document our trip is this one advertising workouts in Hell. The Salvation Army has a shop in town and I was able to find a big enough purse to make it out of Hell with all my baggage intact.
The leather coat I'm wearing is one I got last week in Trondheim at the Salvation Army there.
The hat is an astrakhan or Persian lambs skin, also from a second hand shop. Esoteric novels usually have a character in an astrakhan hat sometimes. So I volunteered this time.
teehee! You are the astrakhan hat-wearing character in the esoteric novel that is your life... I'm pretty sure.
What does that name mean in Norwegian?
it means not level, or leaning
my life seems kind of esoteric sometimes.
okay so yesterday I was at a house where the people know you and miss you, and so I said, "oh, I'll show you her blog!" and I open up your blog and here is your post from Hell.....!!!!!!! I just about laughed my head off because I just got done telling them, open at your own risk, you never know what you will find on here....!!!!! Hehe. Anyway, they tell you hello...Armeda and Natalie from Napa. Natalie doesn't remember you but she knows your rellys over here.
glad you made it through!
we got out of there, but the Salvation Army's still in Hell
you're a mess... you make me laugh right out loud when I should be quiet and not wake peoples up...
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