"Starry Queen, Starry Queen
Staaaaary Queeeeen, Staa-aa-ry Quee-een
Starry Queen."
Edith's kind comment was "I don't understand what you mean dear."
That's like I was saying about the truly gifted: nobody understands.

One time my mom and I went to Ben Franklin's 5 and 10, and of all things we saw Edith in a STORE...it didn't seem right for her to know that we'd seen her doing that, so we quietly backed right on out of there.
One time my dad and I helped, or watched, don't really know what we were doing, but there were some farmers dipping sheep. That was a fun memory, then we sprawled on the grassy hillside. I felt like I was in a pastoral scene in a famous painting. Or maybe not, but it was far from the madding crowd.
Don't go away, I had a wiener dog, Hjalmar. A man who tried to make friends with my dad had given him a box of chocolate, which was fed to poor Hjalmar. Hjalmar ended his days with a bad case of road rash. Also there was Lauritz the cat. It was fun to turn a cardboard fruit box over him, then he'd stick his paws out the round holes in the card board box, and playfully wave them around. I think of him every time I play with cats.
Now my mother tells me that the way she remembers it it was, "Starchy Queen"
oh ya, it could have been "starchy queen", that's how my mom says she remembers the lyrics.
The bats and Edith are two of the best posts in memory! I laughed until the coffee came out my nose.
you mean you exhausted them at an early age, too? just checking... ;)
I'm not sure I totally get Edith Hansen...but the more I read this the more I laugh...
Don't go away- I have 10 more things to tell you...
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