Sunday, October 12, 2008

fishing off the oil platforms

Our host, Karl Astor, has an off-shore job, he services the oil platforms in the north sea or even fixes broken stuff way down underwater on the ocean floor. He operates an ROV which is a remotely operated underwater vehicle
He has cameras which film underwater, he watches this on several screens, then he can make repairs way deep under water.
This job used to be done by deep sea divers, but because of the enormous stress of working on the bottom of the north sea, and the high mortality rate in this occupation, ROVs are used now instead.
There are often lots of fish where they work because the fish congregate near the oil pipe which is warm.
The ROV he uses has 2 arms and sometimes they can even catch a couple fish! Watch the video!!!
This is a very interesting video if you're interested in what happens in the north sea. You can watch how the boat's deck opens up and a wire line gets dropped onto the ocean floor.

1 comment:

Anita said...

well this fish I felt sorry for... there he is, just minding his own beeswax, not even being tempted with bait and *WHAM* you're caught. Life's scary. It's sort of like a phishing scam... you thought that link was safe, eh? hahahaha sukkkkkkkkkkkerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr