This won't last long, this jag I'm on, but as long as it's on my mind I'd like to tell you about this kid I met in Greece last summer (2007). This is Micheal from Australia.

(do any of you lurkers from New Zealand recognize him? He and his younger brother and sister had been visiting cousins in England) Any way he told us about where he had been working for a
farmer in Canada who was pumping tractor exhaust into his soil as he plowed. The claim is that they used no other fertilizer and it was a record harvest. The neighbors are still paying their fertilizer bills from 2 years ago.
Well it makes sense, the elements which came out of the soil to make fuel, (all those decayed dinosaurs and dung) are floating in the debris of emissions. This genius of a man has a cooler on the exhaust pipe, then he pumps it back into the dust from whence it came. I admire the idea and I admire the deed.
It'll be interesting to see if this catches on and if they'll discover any adverse effects. For instance, there is a lot of refining done to petrol to turn it into fuel...but then, what's the difference if it's pumped into the atmosphere or into the soil.
So is the next step attaching some sort of chisel mechanism to each cow to drill all that methane back into the ground (re your previous post)??? :)
you can tell that's a good guy, btw- he's wearing a John Deere shirt!
looks like Japan has it figured out.
I'm still laughing.....
and I thought this was going to be a post about why this friendly looking fellow was standing next to the headless lady in the nightie...
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