Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ukrainian hotdogs are delicious

Wish I had pictures. They use fresh buns made with real bread dough; the opposite of squishy wonder bread buns I remember from childhood picnics. With grated carrots! It's called 'Korean salad'; has hot spices in it to make it interesting. Then the nice lady working in the dumpy looking kiosk at the bus stop where you can get out and stretch for 5 minutes squirts ketchup and mayonnaise on it in a beautiful squiggly pattern. She gives to you with the air of having created it just for you. The first bite is hot, and besides that the surly, hung over driver is menacingly rattling his keys, and - well good natured and obedient as I am I docilely climb in. 'careful how you eat that!' he barks at me. 'harasho', I reply with offended dignity. Well...if that bun had only been made from aerated wonder bread dough! Gnaw and rip as I could with all my might; the hotdog takes on a power of it's own! The driver is glaring at me in his rear view mirror! The whole thing falls in my lap! My purse is smeared with ketchup and mayonnaise (same beautiful pattern). I'm left holding the weenie...
Several Kleenexes (from Simona) and wet wipes later I recover my dignity enough to reach out for my sense of humour...

1 comment:

Anita said...

well now, how on earth did that happen?? just for the record, I told Anya about this tonight and she fell over laughing... ;) we're your true friends...hahaha