Monday, May 26, 2008

playground toys

I took these pictures last week at a kindergarten. The colors were so overbright and weird that they remind me of intense childhood memories.


Anita said...

Well those are just freaky, that's all I have to say. *shudders*

Extrem4 said...

Thanks for your comment that led us to lurk on your lurkingplace(s). We think of you often (we just don't know why you haven't responded to the letters we write every other day to those laboring in foreign lands). Anyway, I put you on my google reader so I can keep pace with you and add a few comments now and then. I have been reading to the kids at night and we have been going through Roald Dahl and I always recall your animated rendition of "Fantastic Mr Fox" one weekend in Lake County when you came over for a visit. In my childhood memory it was magical. I shall post comments again as the spirit moves me. Your old friends, Extrem4

Dim and Jana said...

Hey you! I'm glad you found us--thank you for your kind comments on our blog! It will be fun to keep up with you a little. We think of you often and of course my parents keep us updated on you... my dad loves that he can IM with you. My parents are coming this weekend--will be great to see them.

Unknown said...

wow colorful and whatnot for sure! guess the kids would like it..a little weird tho...