Thursday, May 29, 2008

Suspenders, Leotards and Lintcollectors

I used to wear leotards (I don't ever remember them called "tights") in kindergarten. I hated them because they were always sagging down and they didn't stay up around my whole anatomy. I was always tugging and yanking on the elastic waistband and then I had to like wiggle around to get them yanked UP... so the answer was suspenders. They were more utilitarian than cute. I don't remember them having a cute design on them or anything like that. If I wore them under my top I couldn't tuck the top in, only the part over my belly and the part over my bum, so I didn't do that very much. If I wore them over my top everyone knew I was wearing suspenders, which was not a great big deal in kindergarten, but you had to pretty much keep your pullover tucked in all day.
Well fashions change and suspenders have gone out of style for my age group The style now is lintcollectors. It should be obvious to the world that you have a lintcollector and it should be evident to anyone who cares if it is an "<" or an ">". On crowded transportation you could get any number of navels of strangers in your face. I've noticed the women who wear these things try to surreptitiously yank them up too, kind of like what I learned in kindergarten.
This trend calls for specific clothing. Now the waist starts somewhere above the pubic bone and below the hips, and blouses and T-shirts and tops reach about below the bra line. I didn't have anything like this in my wardrobe until the last pair of nylons I acquired, (A likely dumped them on me). And now I need suspenders again.


tammy said...

oh my!

prrrof said...

LOVE it, not offended.

The #1 reason I refuse to wear nylons. Tights, sometimes, when it's bitterly cold. But nylons? Blehhhhh.

Anonymous said...

Funny as it is totally real! I had a fight with tights all my growning up yrs in the north! I refuse to wear them now. I just use long johns here and wool sox! works well and is warmer! For winter that is. As far as the belly issue its worse when they are pregnant:P!! See that a lot here!

sbs said...

Thanks for the great belly-laugh!