Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sugar factory

Sitting at the bus stop in Dolynskaya. I'm on a bench with a lady who was eating a bun. A cat came up and gave her an enquiring look. "give some to me please" I ventriloquized, which she did after smiling at me. Another lady, younger, comes up to the vacant place on the bench next to me. "has the bus for the sugar factory left yet?", she asked. cat bun lady: "what's that bus to you?" Younger lady: "I work there". Me (not the cat): "there's no sugar beets yet, why go?" "oh, the plant's closed down" she told us.
Upon hearing that the cat walked away. I'm still sitting here wondering where sugars come from.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Don't you just love some of these conversations...

she works there but the plant's closed down. mysterious.

I lol'd, I did, when I read this one. ;)