Wednesday, May 7, 2008

life as a blog

I have a friend who lives to tell stories on himself.  Far says that he views all his experiences as a narrator and for this reason he doesn't really suffer during his mishaps.   He goes through the experience enjoying in advance the great story he's going to tell to his next audience.  Well, I wonder if blogging is a bit like that. 
These gray overcast days in bumpy old buses virtually brighten up as I picture them enhanced by the light of my computer screen.
Something else I think about is this: is it a bad thing that I enjoy messing around with my computer more than using it as a tool to enhance my productivity?  Let me tell you what I did today.  I don't have my laptop with me on this trip; I decided my smart phone would be all I needed.  But I'm not sure, for one thing it is so tiny that I'm getting tennis elbows east and west.  So I made a thumbdrive with portableapps.  And the truth is that I enjoyed the process of making the drive a lot more than I enjoy using it.  The first day or two it makes me more productive because it's new and interesting.  Maybe that's why software developers are always changing things?  Maybe that's why we like to move the furniture?  comments please?

1 comment:

Anita said...

Well your friend Far (*another gentle cough*) is really smart. I'm going to keep that in mind next Mon when I'm visiting the immigr officials. Yup. This is going to make a great story. Yup.

I happen to know that you really did enjoy making that portable drive. If you could only see your face when you're explaining all these things to someone else... What was I interested in? Packing?

That's why I move the furniture around. It makes it all new and fun. No more to say. 'bye